The atom and the molecule: A one-day symposium on 23 March, 2016 celebrating Gilbert N. Lewis.

You might have noticed the occasional reference here to the upcoming centenary of the publication of Gilbert N. Lewis’ famous article entitled “The atom and the molecule“.[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] A symposium exploring his scientific impact and legacy will be held in London on March 23, 2016, exactly 70 years to the day since his death. A list of the speakers and their titles is shown below; there is no attendance fee, but you must register as per the instructions below.

Royal Society of Chemistry Historical Group Meeting on 23th March 2016, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London: The atom and the molecule: A symposium celebrating Gilbert N. Lewis.

  • Dr Patrick Coffey (Berkeley, USA): Does Personality Influence Scientific Credit? Simultaneous Priority Disputes: Lewis vs. Langmuir and Langmuir vs. Harkins
  • Professor Robin Hendry (Durham, UK): Lewis on Structure and the Chemical Bond
  • Professor Alan Dronsfield (UK): An organic chemist reflects on the Lewis two-electron bond
  • Dr Julia Contreras-García (UPMC, France): Do bonds need a name?
  • Professor Nick Greeves (Liverpool, UK): The influence of Lewis on organic chemistry teaching, textbooks and beyond
  • Professor Clark Landis (UWM, USA): Lewis and Lewis-like Structures in the Quantum Era
  • Professor Michael Mingos (Oxford, UK): The Inorganic dimension to Lewis and Kossel’s landmark contributions
  • Dr Patrick Coffey (Berkeley, USA): Lewis’ Life, Death, and Missing Nobel Prize

Prior registration is essential. Please email your name and address to Professor John Nicholson, jwnicholson01(at)

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One Response to “The atom and the molecule: A one-day symposium on 23 March, 2016 celebrating Gilbert N. Lewis.”

  1. Henry Rzepa says:

    More information about this symposium is now available via the  Royal Society of  Chemistry events page.

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