Archive for October 13th, 2016

Catenated atoms and groups.

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Chemists are as fond of records as any, although I doubt you will find many chemical ones in the Guinness world records list. Polytriangulanes chase how many cyclopropyl 3-rings can be joined via a vertex. Steve Bachrach on his blog reports some recent work by Peter Schreiner and colleagues[1] and the record for catenation of such rings appears to be 15. This led me to think about some other common atoms and groups. Here I have searched for crystal structures only; there may be examples of course for which no such data has been reported.



  1. W.D. Allen, H. Quanz, and P.R. Schreiner, "Polytriangulane", Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 12, pp. 4707-4716, 2016.