Archive for December 10th, 2015

More stereo electronics: the Eschenmoser double fragmentation and guerrilla tutorials.

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

The layout of floor 2 of the chemistry department here contains a number of small rooms which function as tutorial areas. Each has a (non-interactive) whiteboard used by students and tutors for, inter-aliathought-showering. It was in one such room that I found myself with three colleagues this monday afternoon. We soon all sensed something not quite right about the room; it slowly dawned that the whiteboard was entirely devoid of thoughts (it is normally left adorned with chemical hieroglyphics). Before we departed, one of our number crept up to the board and showered the following (the red bit only followed by a ?; thanks Willie!). The chemistry equivalent you might say of Guerrilla gardening. The product shown in blue below is for your benefit here. It is an example of a double fragmentation reaction; by an odd coincidence following on nicely from the previous post.
