You might have noticed the occasional reference here to the upcoming centenary of the publication of Gilbert N. Lewis’ famous article entitled “The atom and the molecule“.[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] A symposium exploring his scientific impact and legacy will be held in London on March 23, 2016, exactly 70 years to the day since his death. A list of the speakers and their titles is shown below; there is no attendance fee, but you must register as per the instructions below.
Posts Tagged ‘France’
The atom and the molecule: A one-day symposium on 23 March, 2016 celebrating Gilbert N. Lewis.
Friday, December 11th, 2015Tags:Alan Dronsfield, Clark Landis, Durham, France, Gilbert N. Lewis, John Nicholson, Julia Contreras-Garcia, Liverpool, London, Michael Mingos, Nick Greeves, organic chemist, Oxford, Patrick Coffey, professor, Robin Hendry, Royal Society of Chemistry Historical Group, United Kingdom, United States
Posted in Interesting chemistry | 1 Comment »
The 2015 Bradley-Mason prize for open chemistry.
Friday, June 26th, 2015Open principles in the sciences in general and chemistry in particular are increasingly nowadays preached from funding councils down, but it can be more of a challenge to find innovative practitioners. Part of the problem perhaps is that many of the current reward systems for scientists do not always help promote openness. Jean-Claude Bradley was a young scientist who was passionately committed to practising open chemistry, even though when he started he could not have anticipated any honours for doing so. A year ago a one day meeting at Cambridge was held to celebrate his achievements, followed up with a special issue of the Journal of Cheminformatics. Peter Murray-Rust and I both contributed and following the meeting we decided to help promote Open Chemistry via an annual award to be called the Bradley-Mason prize. This would celebrate both “JC” himself and Nick Mason, who also made outstanding contributions to the cause whilst studying at Imperial College. The prize was initially to be given to an undergraduate student at Imperial, but was also extended to postgraduate students who have promoted and showcased open chemistry in their PhD researches.
Tags:Cambridge, chemical data, Chemistry Central, Collective intelligence, Crowdsourcing, Doctor of Philosophy, Education, European Union, France, GITHUB INC., Imperial College, Jean Claude Bradley, lab on a chip, Lyon, Nick Mason, Nonprofit technology, Open content, Peter Murray-Rust, reward systems, Technology/Internet, Tom Arrow, Tom Phillips, Wikimedia Foundation, wikipedia, World Wide Web, young scientist
Posted in Bradley-Mason Prize for Open Chemistry, Chemical IT | 1 Comment »