White City is a small area in west london created as an exhibition site in 1908, morphing over the years into an Olympic games venue, a greyhound track, the home nearby of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and most recently the new western campus for Imperial College London.♣ The first Imperial department to move into the MSRH (Molecular Sciences Research Hub) building is chemistry. As a personal celebration of this occasion, I here dedicate three transition states located during my first week of occupancy there, naming them the White City trio following earlier inspiration by a string trio and their own instruments.
Posts Tagged ‘Amide’
π-Resonance in thioamides: a crystallographic “diff” with amides.
Saturday, September 5th, 2015The previous post explored the structural features of amides. Here I compare the analysis with that for the closely related thioamides.
π-Resonance in amides: a crystallographic reality check.
Saturday, September 5th, 2015The π-resonance in amides famously helped Pauling to his proposal of a helical structure for proteins. Here I explore some geometric properties of amides related to the C-N bond and the torsions about it.