Chemical Bonds at the 21st Century – 2017: the Bond Slam.

It is always interesting to observe conference experiments taking place. The traditional model involves travelling to a remote venue, staying in a hotel, selecting sessions to attend from a palette of parallel streams and then interweaving chatting to colleagues both old and new over coffee, lunch, dinner or excursions. Sometimes conferences occur in clusters, with satellite meetings breaking out in the vicinity, after a main conference has done the job of attracting delegates to the region. Here I bring to your attention one such experiment, the Bond Slam which is part of a satellite meeting in Aachen to be held September 2-4 2017 on the topic of Chemical Bonds at the 21st Century, following on from the WATOC 2017 congress in Munich Germany a few days earlier.

The Bond Slam involves participants selecting a challenge from 16 topics of current interest and is exposed using a Wiki. A selection of the challenges will be presented in person at the conference, but you don’t have to go to Aachen to contribute virtually to discussion. This sort of format can have novel outcomes.[cite]10.1016/j.comptc.2014.09.028[/cite] If your interest is piqued by any of the challenges or you cannot resist adding your own, do go visit the site and browse. 


3 Responses to “Chemical Bonds at the 21st Century – 2017: the Bond Slam.”

  1. Brian Skinn says:

    Do you know what the licensing conditions are for content posted to the Bond Slam? I don’t see anything on the main page discussing copyright.

  2. Henry Rzepa says:

    Good question Brian. I will ask the organisers to consider this.

    I suppose a simple answer might be that if the quality and quantity of the entries in the Wiki are considered of a sufficient standard, then the Wiki will be converted into an article for submission to a journal. Hence the copyright should correspond to that appropriate for such an article.

    I think also possibly that if the latter route is adopted, the Wiki itself may be taken down at some stage. But these are decisions that will be taken by the organisers, not myself.

  3. Henry Rzepa says:

    Just to note that a CC BY 4.0 license is now indicated.

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