RE: XSchema

Peter Murray-Rust (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:50:03

At 13:37 11/11/98 +0100, Ronald Bourret wrote:
>If I ever find time to write a validation module, on-the-fly validation
should be
It'll be real fun - good for your soul...

a freebie. I figure the validator will be a SAX parser filter initialized
with an XSchema document. The application (e.g. Jumbo) hooks this to a
real parser, registers an ErrorHandler, and passes the Stream of XML to be
validated; the return value from parse(), along with any values sent to the
ErrorHandler, tell the application whether validation succeeded or not.

sounds fine. I am personally not keen on validate-after-every-keystroke
approach and would expect that I would either work with a single element
("validate the children of this element" and/or "validate the children of
the parent of this element" ) or "validate the whole document". If the
former, then we simply pass the stream of XML from the node in question
(JUMBO can extract this at present).
>> I have used RonB's DTD2XSchema translator - works fine, but I think Ron
>> said it needed slight tweaks.
>Still needs updating to the latest spec. Works starts this weekend.

>> ** Is there a way of capturing the external DTD subset in SAX, or AElfred,
>> or any other parser? It really only needs to capture the URL? Do I have to
>> subclass an Entity handler? In this way it would be possible to read in the
>> DTD automatically, transform to XSchema and display.] **
>> ** Is there any way to extract the complete "DTD" - i.e. external and
>> internal subsets (but without parameter/general entities) from
>> SAX/AElfred/XYZPQR? **
>I misread this at first.

Probably my fault - was late at night.

What Peter wants is either (a) the system ID of the external subset, or (b)
the stream of bytes in the complete DTD. I assume the reason is so he can
automatically feed it to my DTD-to-XSchema converter; currently, he would
have to prompt the user for this information.

Exactly right. At present I can read in a complete foo.xsc and (in some
mindless moment) bolt in Ron's tool so it can read foo.dtd. But these have
to be actuated manually ("Edit | Read XSchema") on menu. And it will be an
invalid approach if there is an internal subset.
>Another alternative is to fix my converter so it can read the DTD directly
from the XML file and discards the rest (it currently reads only external
subsets). Is there any advantage to working only with external subsets?

There is no advantage to me in working with external subsets except that I
can already do it :-)

many thanks Ron.


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary