We have heard a lot about OA or Open Access (of journal articles) in the last five years, often in association with the APC (Article Processing Charge) model of funding such OA availability. Rather less discussed is how the model of the peer review of these articles might also evolve into an Open environment. Here I muse about two experiences I had recently.
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media & Networking’
Two stories about Open Peer Review (OPR), the next stage in Open Access (OA).
Thursday, October 5th, 2017Tags:Academic publishing, article processing charge, author, Company: Facebook, Company: Publons, Company: Twitter, editor, Electronic publishing, Entertainment/Culture, Hybrid open access journal, Internet giants, OA, Open access, Organic Syntheses, Public sphere, Publishing, Scholarly communication, search engines, Social Media & Networking, Technology/Internet
Posted in Chemical IT, General | 5 Comments »
Open science and the chemistry lab of the future.
Thursday, February 9th, 2017The title refers to an upcoming symposium on the topic on 22-24 May, 2017. I quote here some of the issues tabled for discussion:
Tags:Contact Details, Social Media & Networking, Symposium, Technology/Internet, Will technology
Posted in Chemical IT, General | 1 Comment »
OpenCon (2016)
Friday, November 25th, 2016Another conference, a Cambridge satellite meeting of OpenCon, and I quote here its mission: “OpenCon is a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, develop critical skills, and catalyze action toward a more open system of research and education” targeted at students and early career academic professionals. But they do allow a few “late career” professionals to attend as well!
Tags:Academia, author, chemist, City: Cambridge, Company: Twitter, ELife, Erin McKiernan, keynote speaker, Max Planck Society, programmer, Simon Deakin, Social Media & Networking, speaker, Technology/Internet, Wellcome Trust
Posted in Chemical IT, General | 3 Comments »