Posts Tagged ‘search engines’

PIDapalooza 2018. A conference like no other!

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Another occasional conference report (day 1). So why is one about “persistent identifiers” important, and particularly to the chemistry domain?


Two stories about Open Peer Review (OPR), the next stage in Open Access (OA).

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

We have heard a lot about OA or Open Access (of journal articles) in the last five years, often in association with the APC (Article Processing Charge) model of funding such OA availability. Rather less discussed is how the model of the peer review of these articles might also evolve into an Open environment. Here I muse about two experiences I had recently.


How to search data repositories for FAIR chemical content and data: SubjectScheme

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

As data repositories start to flourish, it is reasonable to ask questions such as what sort of chemistry can be found there and how can I find it? Here I give an updated[cite]10.1515/ci-2016-3-408[/cite] worked example of a digital repository search for chemical content and also pose an important issue for the chemistry domain.


Supporting information: chemical graveyard or invaluable resource for chemical structures.

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Nowadays, data supporting most publications relating to the synthesis of organic compounds is more likely than not to be found in associated “supporting information” rather than the (often page limited) article itself. For example, this article[cite]10.1021/jacs.6b13229[/cite] has an SI which is paginated at 907; almost a mini-database in its own right! Here I ponder whether such dissemination of data is FAIR (Findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable).[cite]10.1038/sdata.2016.18[/cite]


500 chemical twists: a (chalk and cheese) comparison of the impacts of blog posts and journal articles.

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

The title might give it away; this is my 500th blog post, the first having come some eight years ago. Very little online activity nowadays is excluded from measurement and so it is no surprise that this blog and another of my "other" scholarly endeavours, viz publishing in traditional journals, attract such "metrics" or statistics. The h-index is a well-known but somewhat controversial measure of the impact of journal articles; here I thought I might instead take a look at three less familiar ones – one relating to blogging, one specific to journal publishing and one to research data.


Data-round-tripping: wherein the future?

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Moving (chemical) data around in a manner which allows its (automated) use in whichever context it finds itself must be a holy grail for all scientists and chemists. I posted earlier on the fragile nature of molecular diagrams making the journey between the editing program used to create them (say ChemDraw) and the Word processor used to place them into a context (say Microsoft office), via an intermediate storage area known as the clipboard. The round trip between the Macintosh (OS X) versions of these programs had been broken a little while, but it is now fixed! A small victory. This blog reports what happened when such a Mac-created Word document is sent to someone using Microsoft Windows as an OS (or vice versa).
