The traditional structure of the research article has been honed and perfected for over 350 years by its custodians, the publishers of scientific journals. Nowadays, for some journals at least, it might be viewed as much as a profit centre as the perfected mechanism for scientific communication. Here I take a look at the components of such articles to try to envisage its future, with the focus on molecules and chemistry.
Posts Tagged ‘Science’
Re-inventing the anatomy of a research article.
Saturday, December 29th, 2018Tags:Academic publishing, Acrobat, Articles, chemical discoveries, data, Data management, ELN, Information, Molecules, Narrative, PDF, Publishing, Research, Scholarly communication, Science, Scientific Journal, Scientific method, Technical communication, Technology/Internet, Web browser
Posted in Chemical IT | No Comments »
Open Access journal publishing debates – the elephant in the room?
Sunday, November 4th, 2018For perhaps ten years now, the future of scientific publishing has been hotly debated. The traditional models are often thought to be badly broken, although convergence to a consensus of what a better model should be is not apparently close. But to my mind, much of this debate seems to miss one important point, how to publish data.
Tags:Academia, Academic publishing, American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, article processing charge, article processing charges, artificial intelligence, Cognition, Company: RSC, Electronic publishing, G factor, Hybrid open access journal, Knowledge, Michael Dewar, Nature, online era, Open access, Predatory publishing, Publishing, researcher, Royal Society of Chemistry, Scholarly communication, Science, Technology/Internet
Posted in Chemical IT | 2 Comments »
Aromaticity-induced basicity.
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018The molecules below were discussed in the previous post as examples of highly polar but formally neutral molecules, a property induced by aromatisation of up to three rings. Since e.g. compound 3 is known only in its protonated phenolic form, here I take a look at the basicity of the oxygen in these systems to see if deprotonation of the ionic phenol form to the neutral polar form is viable.
Tags:Antiseptics, Aromatization, Chemistry, energy, energy minimum, Hydrogen, Molecule, Neurotoxins, Science
Posted in Interesting chemistry | No Comments »
Managing (open) NMR data: a working example using Mpublish.
Monday, August 1st, 2016In March, I posted from the ACS meeting in San Diego on the topic of Research data: Managing spectroscopy-NMR, and noted a talk by MestreLab Research on how a tool called Mpublish in the forthcoming release of their NMR analysis software Mestrenova could help. With that release now out, the opportunity arose to test the system.
Tags:Acrobat, analysis software, chemical, Chemistry, City: San Diego, format type chemical/x-mnpub, media type, Mestrenova, non-commercial open software packages, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra database, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, PDF, public key, Science, Scientific method, spectroscopy, Technology/Internet
Posted in Chemical IT | 3 Comments »
LEARN Workshop: Embedding Research Data as part of the research cycle
Monday, February 1st, 2016I attended the first (of a proposed five) workshops organised by LEARN (an EU-funded project that aims to ...Raise awareness in research data management (RDM) issues & research policy) on Friday. Here I give some quick bullet points relating to things that caught my attention and or interest. The program (and Twitter feed) can be found at where other's comments can also be seen.
Tags:Academic publishing, European Union, first Open Scientist, first secretary, Free culture movement, Henry Oldenburg, Jean Claude Bradley, Open access, Open data, Open science, RDM, Research, researcher, Royal Society, Science, Scientific method, Scientific misconduct, scientist, Technology/Internet
Posted in Chemical IT | 1 Comment »
Personal web pages on digital repositories.
Saturday, June 20th, 2015The university sector in the UK has quality inspections of its research outputs conducted every seven years, going by the name of REF or Research Excellence Framework. The next one is due around 2020, and already preparations are under way! Here I describe how I have interpreted one of its strictures; that all UK funded research outputs (i.e. research publications in international journals) must be made available in open unrestricted form within three months of the article being accepted for publication, or they will not be eligible for consideration in 2020.
Tags:Academia, Academic publishing, Archival science, author, Data management, Digital library, EPrints, Institutional repository, Knowledge, Knowledge representation, Library science, metadata, Open access, PDF, personal web page, Preprint, Publishing, Repository, researcher, ROMEO GREEN, Science, Technology/Internet, United Kingdom, web server
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