A recently published review on hypervalency[cite]10.1039/C5SC02076J[/cite] introduced a very simple way of quantifying the effect. One of the molecules which was suggested to be hypervalent using this method was diazomethane. Here I take a closer look.
Posts Tagged ‘kinetic energy density’
Are diazomethanes hypervalent molecules? Probably, but in an unexpected way!
Saturday, December 23rd, 2017Ammonide: an alkalide formed from ammonia and resembling an electride.
Sunday, December 17th, 2017Alkalides are anionic alkali compounds containing e.g. sodide (Na–), kalide (K–), rubidide (Rb–) or caeside (Cs–). Around 90 examples can be found in the Cambridge structure database (see DOI: 10.14469/hpc/3453 for the search query and results). So what about the ammonium analogue, ammonide (NH4–)? A quick search of Scifinder drew a blank! So here I take a look at this intriguingly simple little molecule.‡
The weirdest bond of all? Laplacian isosurfaces for [1.1.1]Propellane.
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010In this post, I will take a look at what must be the most extraordinary small molecule ever made (especially given that it is merely a hydrocarbon). Its peculiarity is the region indicated by the dashed line below. Is it a bond? If so, what kind, given that it would exist sandwiched between two inverted carbon atoms?