Posts Tagged ‘energy gap’

150,000,000 DFT calculations on 2,300,000 compounds!

Friday, July 5th, 2013

The title of this post summarises the contents of a new molecular database:[cite]10.1021/jz200866s[/cite] and I picked up on it by following the post by Jan Jensen at (a wonderful overlay journal that tracks recent interesting articles). The molecularspace project more formally is called “The Harvard Clean Energy Project: Large-scale computational screening and design of organic photovoltaics on the world community grid“. It reminds of a 2005 project by Peter Murray-Rust et al at the same sort of concept[cite]10.1007/s00894-005-0278-1[/cite] (the World-Wide-Molecular-Matrix, or WWMM[cite]10.1186/1758-2946-3-42[/cite]), although the new scale is certainly impressive. Here I report my initial experiences looking through


π-hydrogen bonds as a function of ring size.

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

A simple correlation between a ring size and the hydrogen bonding as quantified by the O(Lp)/H-O σ* NBO interaction in that ring, indicated a 7- or 8-membered ring was preferred over smaller ones. Here is the same study, but this time using the π-electrons of an alkene as the electron donor.


Hydrogen bond strength as a function of ring size.

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

One frequently has to confront the question: will a hydrogen bond form between a suitable donor (lone pair or π) and an acceptor? One of the factors to be taken into consideration for hydrogen bonds which are part of a cycle is the ring size. Here I explore one way of quantifying the effect for the series below, n=1-5 (4-8 membered rings).


The conformation of 1,2-difluoroethane

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Here I offer another spin-off from writing a lecture course on conformational analysis. This is the famous example of why 1,2-difluoroethane adopts a gauche rather than antiperiplanar conformation.

The gauche and antiperiplanar conformations of 1,2-difluoroethane
