In an era when alternative facts and fake news afflict us, the provenance of scientific data becomes ever more important. Especially if that data is available as open access and exploitable by others for both valid scientific reasons but potentially also by those with other motives. Here I consider the audit trail that might serve to establish data provenance in one typical situation in chemistry, the acquisition of NMR instrumental data.
Posts Tagged ‘Archival science’
The provenance of scientific data – establishing an audit trail.
Thursday, March 30th, 2017Tags:Acquisition, Archival science, author, collection software, Company: NMR, data, Data management, data processing software, Evidence law, instrument data collection software, local authentication systems, Mestrenova, MestreNova system, Nuclear magnetic resonance, principal investigator, Provenance, Scientific method, service manager, spectrometer software, supervisor, Technology/Internet, Terminology
Posted in Chemical IT | 2 Comments »
Personal web pages on digital repositories.
Saturday, June 20th, 2015The university sector in the UK has quality inspections of its research outputs conducted every seven years, going by the name of REF or Research Excellence Framework. The next one is due around 2020, and already preparations are under way! Here I describe how I have interpreted one of its strictures; that all UK funded research outputs (i.e. research publications in international journals) must be made available in open unrestricted form within three months of the article being accepted for publication, or they will not be eligible for consideration in 2020.
Tags:Academia, Academic publishing, Archival science, author, Data management, Digital library, EPrints, Institutional repository, Knowledge, Knowledge representation, Library science, metadata, Open access, PDF, personal web page, Preprint, Publishing, Repository, researcher, ROMEO GREEN, Science, Technology/Internet, United Kingdom, web server
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